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Recommended by Hay House logo, Featured in Catherine Morgan's Podcast cover, Anna Parker Naples Podcast cover and Maria Franzoni's Podcast cover

How to Highlight Collaborations, Recommendations and Features on Your Website

We are officially recommended by Hay House! This is very exciting news for us. We have had a couple of Hay House authors as Ready Steady Websites® members for a couple of years now. They are two of the most lovely people ever and they have both told Hay House what a great experience they…

Networking and book launch event in Winchester

6 Top Networking Tips

I truly believe that networking is key to growing a small business and for driving traffic to your website but for networking to be successful you have to do it well and with the right people. I have had people comment on the success I have through networking a number of times which prompted Chris…

neon words saying go up and never stop with an arrow underneath slanting up

3 Things You Should be Doing in Business Now and 1 Thing You Shouldn’t

Running a business feels hard right now for a lot of people. Clients want to cut back on their outgoings so they’re reducing the services they’re using from you or are dropping them all together. It feels harder to get the sale when talking to new potential clients and you’re starting to wonder whether it…

lego heads looking annoyed or angry

Come and join me for a Small Business Owner’s Rant

I really love being a small business owner. That’s genuinely true. I’m not just saying that because you’re reading this on the blog on my business website and so I feel I have to say it, I really do. There are things I love more in the world such as my children, Chris (although he’s…

woman sitting on the floor using a laptop

3 Non Tech Related Steps to Make Creating Your Business Website Easier

We still speak to a lot of people who don’t have a business website. They are relying on social media or word of mouth but know their business could be doing so much better if they got themselves a really good online presence that they owned and are in control of. They also feel really…

woman holding her head at a computer with a website tech headache

Website Tech Headaches Solved

We talk to a lot of people suffering from website tech headaches which are normally a side effect of buying tech based on advice given by people who aren’t experts or buying tech because they have seen someone successful using it and so it must be the right thing to use. When I say “tech…