Screenshot of our Therapist website template

4 Key Things You Need on Your Therapist Website

We have worked with a number of therapists and we created our therapist website template through working with those in the industry to ensure it has everything it needs on it to attract clients and to make it easy for people to contact you and work with you once they have decided you’re the right fit.

So drawing on our experience we have put together this blog post to help you identify what you need on your therapist website. 

An engaging home page which makes it really clear how you help people and the services you offer.

Make sure your content on this page is really focused on your ideal client. You need to show them you understand what they need help with and that you can give them the improvement they want. If you do this, they will know really quickly that they’re in the right place.

Think about the words your website visitors are likely to use to describe what they need help with and try not to use terms that only those in the industry understand. For example, if you’re a nutritional therapist and you’re supporting women with the peri-menopause or with a particular intolerance you need to talk about the symptoms people want help with not the condition you’re treating because they might not realise the condition is what’s causing their symptoms. That’s something you know as an expert and isn’t necessarily common knowledge.

Using words your potential clients understands in your content means they’re also likely to be the words they’re using when they’re searching for your services and so you will be helping your SEO (search engine optimisation) too.

A treatments or services page.

On your home page you will have shown that you understand the needs of your website visitors so now on these treatments or services pages you can go into the detail of the specific benefits and how you work with people. This is really important so that people understand your process and they can decide whether this is a good fit for them and they can also see what they will need to commit to when working with you if it’s an ongoing process.

Also, if your treatments or services are priced in a way that it’s easy to state the prices on your website or even if you can say, prices start from… this is a really good idea.

By being open about your process and methods, the time commitment clients need to benefit from your treatments and your prices it means that you aren’t going to get enquiries from people who aren’t a good fit that will take up your time. You will also make people feel more comfortable when contacting you. Many people feel nervous approaching someone when they don’t know the price in case it doesn’t sit where they were expecting normally because they’re worried they can’t afford it.

An about page.

Most therapies are very personal experiences so having an about page on your website is a great idea to help people get to know you and get a sense of whether they will feel comfortable working with you. Talking about your experience, why you love what you do and having a great photo of you on this page are all going to help create that connection between you and a potential client.

A contact page including a map.

It may be that what you offer can be delivered online so people aren’t coming to you for the treatment but if you are offering in person treatments then a map is a really useful thing to have on your contact page. Alongside that, give some tips on how to find you if it isn’t easy or where they can park.

Also, on that contact page have a couple of different methods for people to make initial contact with you, one for those who like to talk like a phone number or the chance to book a call and one for those who maybe prefer to send a message or email initially such as a contact form or a clickable email address.

Those are the four key things you want to get right but here are some other considerations to have on your therapist website.

  • Having testimonials throughout your website is really important, It shows your website visitors you really are good at what you do and it’s not just you saying it. Reading a testimonial might be the decider for someone who is trying to decide whether you’re right for them or not.
  • Using a free lead magnet on your website to build your email list is a really good idea. The lead magnet could be a simple download of top tips that are relevant to your potential clients which they get access to you in exchange for giving you their email. Then you can nurture a relationship with them by sending regular, useful emails so that down the line they will hopefully feel ready to work with you.
  • Including a blog on your website can really show your website visitors that you are knowledgeable and it’s also a great way to get traffic to your website. Putting regular content on your website is great for SEO especially if it’s linked to the key words that your potential clients are searching for.
  • Adding logos of bodies that you’re affiliated with or larger clients you have worked with onto your website again solidifies your expertise and builds confidence in your business. When you are doing this ensure you have permission from each of the businesses you want to include on your website.

Time to Create Your New Therapist Website?

Now you know what to include on your website, it’s time to make some tweaks to your current website or maybe create a new one.

Our Therapist Website Template Layouts
Some of the page layouts from our Therapist Website Template

Our websites for therapists page gives an overview of our therapist website template if you are thinking of creating an amazing new website for your business. You may like our wellness website template as well.

Here are just a couple of websites created with our therapist website template or wellness website template: Anna Browne Wellbeing, Integral Nutrition and NKActive.

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