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dictionary page focused on the word focus

Outsource Your Proofreading to Save Money

by Emma Hewlett from We write and read so much content these days: blogs, newsletters, social media posts, reports, website content, the list goes on. Our content is the shop window for our businesses; it is through this content that people grow to know, like and trust us, and become our customers. Let your…

Too women talking in front of a laptop

5 Ways to Update Your Website Content Regularly

If you Google “how often should I update my website content” you will get a range of advice, but the general consensus is you should be updating it at least once a month. This is good from an SEO perspective but it also keeps it fresh and interesting for returning website visitors. So, here are…

images of membership sites

12 Membership Site Content Ideas that Will Appeal to Different Learning Styles

We all learn differently and there have been many theories around different learning styles published over the years. Whether you subscribe to Kolb’s Theory around Experiential Learning, you like Honey and Munford’s development of this, or you agree with the VAK theory that we learn either in a visual, auditory or kinaesthetic way, one thing…

people working around table

How Are You Planning to Scale Your Business?

Once you get to a certain point in running a service based business you will probably want to see it grow. Maybe it has been growing gradually over time, maybe you have had a growth plan from the start and now you have hit the point where you need to start making some decisions because…

"Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations" quote on board

The Importance of Being Reactive in Business

We believe it is very important to be able to be reactive in business. Now I’m not talking about “shiny object syndrome” or jumping on the next business bandwagon that comes along to fad central. I mean being able to respond to genuine client needs or adapt to external changes. 2020 and 2021 has made…

Lauren Hughes

The Five Fundamentals of a Great Brand

Hi, I’m Lauren of LaHu Brand Visibility and I’m a Brand Specialist offering Photography, Video, Design and Coaching in Brand Development and Business Confidence. I’m obsessed with helping my clients get unstuck by addressing the things that hold them back, stepping over their fears and walking their why. This is all about starting a conversation…