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"This must be the place" written in lights on an artistic modernist patterned wall

How We Build Trust in Our Business

If people don’t trust you or your business, then it won’t be a success. I truly believe that. You might have a flurry of business, perhaps when it’s new and exciting or when you put an unbelievably good offer out there but unless you really deliver and build up trust with your customers or clients…

"Do something great" written in lights, with a view through a window

Being Unique in Business

We mentioned in our last blog post that it’s important for your website to be unique, just like you and your business, but how do you get that uniqueness across? And how do you find that uniqueness in the first place? USPs In business lots of people talk about their USP or Unique Selling Point.…

"Do more" shown on an iMac screen in a small home office

Website Problems and The Solutions

In our line of work we talk to a lot of people who aren’t happy with their website which isn’t a big surprise considering what it is that we do. (We do websites, in case that wasn’t clear.) Sometimes they aren’t happy because they designed and built it themselves thinking it would be easy and…

"We like you too :)" written on a white metro tile style wall outside

Getting Your Online Presence Right is Hard

If you’re an entrepreneur, solopreneur, small business owner, business mogul in the making, whatever title you feel comfortable with, you know one of the key things that will make you successful is getting your online presence right. What you will also know is that this can be hard. You need to consider which social media…