Getting Your Online Presence Right is Hard
If you’re an entrepreneur, solopreneur, small business owner, business mogul in the making, whatever title you feel comfortable with, you know one of the key things that will make you successful is getting your online presence right. What you will also know is that this can be hard.
You need to consider which social media platforms to use. Do you put all your eggs in one basket and focus on one? Or, do you get yourself out there on a few?
What imagery should you use? Should you get some lovely professional photography done? Or make do with some decent stock photos at the moment until a bit more money is coming in?
Do you need a website or can you just stick with social media? If you do go for a website, can you do it yourself? You know people who have done it themselves but is it really that easy? Will a DIY website look good enough?
There are so many questions and we have gone through a number of them ourselves. The social media questions are ones we circle back round to time after time. We find social media frustrating for so many reasons. It feels over saturated. We aren’t really in control of what people see on there. It’s frustrating and hard to know what to do that will work and get noticed. So, we, just like you, know that getting our online presence right is hard and we often want to scream when the Facebook scheduler goes silly and loses our post that took far too long to get right. Or when the post we spent ages on, and we were sure would resonate with our audience, somehow only gets seen by 3 people out of the 100 odd people who could have potentially seen it. Anyway, breathe.
The one thing we are able to get right is our website because that’s what we do. Not only do we have the technical skills to create websites but we also understand the things we need to consider to make them look good. We know what needs to be done so that the website visitors eye is attracted to the call to action buttons and how typography is important for the website visitor to look at the right parts of the website to get a good feel for the business or person who the website belongs too. We know what takes a website from looking just OK to really professional.
To answer the question, “do you need a website or can you just stick with social media for a while?” we would say the answer is yes, you do need a website. Think of everything we have said above. You aren’t in control of social media. You don’t know when Jennifer Anniston will post another photo that will take Instagram down or when Facebook will next go silly and not allow you to schedule your posts. For all we know Facebook might start charging businesses for business pages and groups. You can be fully in charge of your website. You own all of the content that is on your website. You can put blog posts out there when you want and email your clients or audience to let them know they are there. Social media is handy as a signposting tool, but your website is where your content should be really.
The good news is, we can help you with the website bit. We have a free download called Five Things to Improve Your Website Conversions that will give you tips on how to make your website look more professional to convert more website visitors into customers. So, that bit is taken care of at least and makes getting your online presence right just a little bit easier.