Blue Monday on blue background

Today is Blue Monday

Is this blog post website related? Not really. Are there going to be any top tips in here? Probably not. Will it help you in anyway? Hopefully, let’s see.

We are seeing and hearing that a lot of people are struggling with the January blues this year, more than in past years. Today is supposed to be Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year. So, if you are feeling rubbish today then you can feel a bit better by thinking this is the worst it’s going to get this year (that was typed very tongue in cheek).

The reason I thought I would write about this, is to say that if you haven’t moved forward with your plans in the way that you had hoped to yet this year, then that’s ok.

We have seen people in our Mentoring Membership saying that they had been really excited at the end of last year and knew what they wanted to do when they came back to work in the new year but it hasn’t happened. If you are in that position, just acknowledging that is good, it means you’re still aware of what you want and need to do and you will do it.

We ended the year setting our goals, identifying the tasks we needed to do to achieve the goals and even topics for blogs posts for the whole year. We were excited but we didn’t feel that when we came back. I didn’t think I would be writing this blog post but knowing how we are feeling and listening to others, it felt like the right post to write.

We have still been present for all of our members, still delivered on deadlines and shown up when we said we would but some of the other things that don’t feel right at the moment, we aren’t doing and we are accepting of that.

So perhaps let yourself off this month a bit. Focus on the must dos but leave the additional tasks. Also, acknowledge that this is temporary. Maybe set yourself a specific date to check back in on your goals again and see if you feel ready to give them new dates to achieve them by. Being realistic about what you can achieve and when is important and pushing yourself when it isn’t realistic isn’t going to help anyone.

Let’s Turn Blue Monday into Hopeful Monday

If you have an audience, clients or members who you have noticed aren’t as on it as usual, perhaps they are feeling like this too. Maybe it’s worth putting your business hat aside for a minute and letting them know you understand. Perhaps by sharing how we are feeling we will support each other out of this more quickly. If we do it today, maybe we can turn Blue Monday into Hopeful Monday.

So maybe take the time now to send an email, a message or make a comment that will help someone you can see or hear isn’t feeling their best and help them get back on track more quickly.

Happy Hopeful Monday.


As I was typing some email content, just after finishing this blog post, Chris started taking photos of me. He told me to smile at the screen, then turn and smile at him. He was creating “behind the scenes” content for social media. As I made myself smile I felt instantly lifted. So, as you read this, smile. Do you feel a tiny bit better?

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