6 Top Tips for Creating High Converting Landing Pages and Sales Pages
Once someone hits one of your landing pages or sales pages you don’t want anything to distract them from taking action. If they are there, they are already a little bit interested in what you do and you need them to stay focused to make them a lot interested in what you do.
Some people who come to your landing pages or sales pages may be ready to sign up or buy and you need to make it easy for them to do that right from the start. With all of this in mind, here are our five top tips for creating high converting landing pages and sales pages.
1. Don’t Include Header or Footer Links on Your Landing Pages and Sales Pages
As we said, you don’t want people to get distracted and leave the page and go wandering around your website. So don’t give people that opportunity. Remove your menus from your landing pages and sales pages. You may need to keep links to relevant legal bits at the bottom of the page such as terms and conditions or a privacy policy but that would be it.
2. Make Sure There is a Call to Action Button Above the Fold and Throughout the Page
You want to make it as easy as possible for people to sign up, buy, join, whatever the action is you want them to take. So, you must have a button above the fold, which is before they have to scroll, so they see it instantly. This is particularly important for those who know they are ready straight away and don’t want to have to read through the page. You also need to have the button at regular intervals throughout the page so that at whatever point someone decides what you are offering is right for them then they can click and get it done!
3. Use a Sticky Header if Your Sales Page is Very Long
If you are selling a very high ticket item and there is more detail on your sales page, there may be larger spaces between your call to action buttons as you move down the page. In this case, it’s a great idea to use a sticky header that contains your button. A sticky header, as the name suggests, sticks to the top of the page as you scroll so it’s always visible, meaning there will always be a call to action button visible on the page.
4. Focus on the Benefits to Your Ideal Client
Whether you are creating a short landing page for a free download or a longer sales page for a higher ticket price product or service, you need to focus on how the product or service is going to benefit your ideal client. You need to show them why they should take action. Further down a longer sales page you will start talking about how the product or service works to provide those benefits but to start off with get them excited and thinking about how things will change for them for the better if they click on that button.
5. Use Relevant Testimonials on Your Landing Pages and Sales Pages
It’s always good to show that what you are offering has actually worked for someone else and testimonials are a great way to do this. If your landing page is for a free download, use a short and snappy testimonial from someone who has used it and found it helpful. If you have a longer form sales page, use more detailed testimonials that give a great sense of the experience they had, the benefits they saw and whether they’d do it again.
6. Be Genuine
Being genuine on your sales pages. If you try and convince people to take action using FOMO (fear of missing out) tactics that aren’t real such as, “I can’t believe this happened! We sold out but we’ve added twenty more spaces” people see through it. Using countdown timers is great when there’s a genuine deadline, such as a program starting but again using them and then deciding to open it up for another week looks purely like a sales tactic when you’ve done that on your last four launches. Just make the offer last another week!
You are much better off focusing on genuine benefits and showing genuine testimonials than scaring people into taking action.
For more help and guidance around creating high converting landing pages and sales pages including examples of great layouts, take a look at our mini course. If you would like some general website planning tips, check out our video on YouTube.