laptop with website content on next to a coffee cup

8 Useful Websites and Web Tools for Creating Website Content

We are always telling people how important it is to create regular new content for their website and to check in on their website regularly to make sure it’s still accurate and still reflects them and their business. But we don’t just want to tell you to do that, we want to help you. So, we have put together a list of websites and web tools that are really helpful in supporting you to create useful new website content and in keeping your website fresh.

Websites and Web Tools to Help with Blog Writing.

We know that sometimes you will sit down to write a blog post and have no idea what to write about. When that time comes, these three web tools could come in handy.

Answer Socrates

Answer Socrates is a great website. You can type in a topic or some key words and it will show you the most searched for terms or questions around that topic. Find one that inspires you and you have your blog post title.
Not only is this great for inspiration but you also know that people are actually searching for what you are writing about and so it’s going to be great for search engine optimisation (SEO) as well.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a fab tool that people should be using but they often don’t really know how. Our Google Analytics tutorial is one of our most watched in our RSW Mentoring Membership because it’s such a useful tool.

One great way of using Google Analytics is to look at the search terms that people are using to bring them to your website. This again is great inspiration for a blog post. You know it’s going to be good for SEO because people are actually searching for it and also, it’s what people who have already found you want to know more about, so this post will be great for nurturing your existing audience as well.

You will need to create a Google Account to use their analytics.


Medium is a blogging platform. People publish their blogs directly on to Medium for the rest of the Medium community to read. It’s a great platform to build an audience on but it’s also a great platform to draw inspiration from. You can search for posts in your niche and see what’s trending. Once you can see what people are really interested in you can write your own posts on this topic for your blog.

Websites and Web Tools to Help With Design

If you have decided that your website design is looking a bit dated, perhaps you want something with bolder colours or a font with more impact, then we recommend you check these websites and web tools out.

Adobe Color 

If you are going it alone to create a new brand pallet then Adobe Color is a great tool to use. It will help you chose colours that work well together and we really do recommend doing this because it’s amazing how easy it is to get it wrong!

Also, Chris wrote a blog post a while ago on colour psychology and that would be worth a read to make sure you are conveying the right message with the colours that you choose.

Google Fonts

If you are choosing some new fonts while creating your website content, then check out Google Fonts. It has a great selection but it will also suggest good font pairings. So, if you choose one you like for a header for it will suggest good options for a body text font.

We also have a free download to help you get your typography right and a top tip is never have more than three fonts on your website. Two is ideal, one for headings and one for body text but you can have a third if you need a flourish font, to add emphasis occasionally to particular words. 

Google Reverse Image Search

If you have created a logo or even had one created for you, it’s a great idea to put it through a Google Search before you start using it. If you’ve had it created for you, hopefully your brand designer will have done this. The reason for doing this is to ensure your logo isn’t the same as someone else’s. This is particularly important if the other person has registered theirs as a trademark. You don’t want to get into any legal battles! You can find out how to do this here.

Increasing Confidence in Your Business Through Your Website

It looks really good to have testimonials on your website. It looks even better if you are confident enough in your business to allow anyone to leave testimonials on an external review website. Also, by being listed on a review website it’s another way for people to find you and to drive traffic to your own website.


Trustpilot is a great review website to be listed on. It’s well used, they provide you with a rating based on your reviews and you can add your rating onto your own website, which automatically updates every time you get a review. So without you having to do anything your website is updating to show more people have reviewed you each time that they do.

It’s important that you signpost your clients to leave a Trustpilot review. We do this through and automated email which goes our after our members’ websites has gone live, so it’s really easy for us but makes a great impact on our website.

A Web Tool to Help You Stay on Track with Your Website Content Creation


Asana is a fantastic online project management tool. We use it and it’s a really simple tool to plan tasks, set deadlines and get reminders. If you have a team you can invite them into your Asana team and allocate tasks to them as well. So you will never miss posting a regular blog post or making a content update on your website again!

Further Support

Hopefully all of these websites and web tools will inspire you and help you to keep creating website content regularly. For more support and guidance you could take a look at our free resources and courses.

Photo by Fikret tozak on Unsplash

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