Example of a website footer

3 Top Tips for Website Footers to Generate More Leads Through Your Website

Are you making the most of the footer on your website? Quite often website footers get forgotten about. They’re just kind of there, but you can utilise that space really well to generate more leads through your website. It’s also a good place to put links to required but not as exciting information.

1. The required, less exciting bits you should have in your website footer

Your footer is a great place to link to your privacy policy, cookie policy, terms and conditions and other documents you need on your website. These are required if you are collecting information on people or they are signing up for or buying products or services through your website. But they aren’t the kind of pages you want in your main menu, so the footer is a great place for them.

2. Cement Your Authority in Your Website Footer

Website footers are a great place to put logos of any professional bodies you belong to or are affiliated with and any relevant qualifications that you have. These are the kind of things you should be mentioning in your about information as well, but a little reminder for your website visitor when they hit the bottom of the page is always a good idea.

3. Website Footers Should Include an Easy Point of Contact or Call to Action

It’s a great idea to give your website visitor a little extra nudge to take action once they are at the bottom of the page. If they have been interested enough to scroll all the way down, then they are quite warm. So, if the purpose of your website is to build your email list you should have a sign up box for your newsletter or freebie in your footer. If the purpose of your website is to get people to get in touch, have a link to your contact page or your social media profiles or both so that they have a choice of how to contact you.

Go and have a look at the footer on your website and see if you could be utilising it more to bring in more leads through your website. For more fab hints and tips check out our other blog posts or our free resources.

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