Chris and Jude working from their camper

Is a Website Good For Business?

Is a website good for business? This is one of the most popular questions searched around business websites this month online. It’s a question that I feel shouldn’t need to be asked because I think the answer is obvious… yes, a website is definitely good for business.

Let me tell you about how good for business our website has been this year.

Our Website Looked After Our Business

This year hasn’t been a particularly good year for us. We lost two people very close to us in a short space of time in late spring/early summer and work was certainly not our top priority. We also wanted to make sure we made the most of the last summer before our eldest started secondary school and realises hanging around with his parents just isn’t that cool anymore. So, from late May to the start of September we took our foot off the pedal in a big way when it came to our business.

But, our business carried on working because all the hard work and effort we have put into our website over the last couple of years really paid off.

Over the summer we barely posted on social media, we didn’t do any networking and we didn’t deliver guest expert workshops or masterclasses – all things that we usually doing frequently. Yet, despite this, we still added new people to our email list every week, we had enquiries come in through the website and we made frequent new sales of low price items. Also, our recurring income, which was originally taken through our website continued to come in.

So based on that you can see just some reasons a website is good for business are:

If it creates a great use experience and really speaks to your website visitors then it will continue to market your business for you even when you aren’t.

If your content is really useful and your call to actions are positioned well, it will generate leads and sales for you.

What Else Makes a Website Good For Business?

There are so many things that make a website good for business and here are some off the top of my head:

Your website can take bookings for calls or meetings for you, so no more to-ing and fro-ing with “can you do this date”, “no, sorry, how about this date”.

Your website can answer frequently asked questions, meaning you don’t have to keep repeating yourself.

You can batch blog or vlog content when you have the time and let your website put it out at the scheduled time so even if you need time off or just have other areas of your business occupying your time, you can still be consistently adding new content to your website. This great for search engine optimisation (SEO) and more importantly, great for nurturing your audience and email list with fantastically useful and relevant information, reminding them that you are there when they are ready for your services.

A website can also reach more people than just having a shop front or word of mouth. It also has a potentially larger reach than you can get on social media. There are still more people who use the internet than are on social media platforms, so if you’re only focusing on social media then you’re missing some people.

So, I answered yes to the question already at the start of this post, but to revisit – Is a website good for business? Abso-bloomin-lutely!!

Our Up-Coming Workshop to Help Your Website Be Good for Business

We run regular free workshops to help you get the most out of your website by creating an amazing user experience, presenting what you do in a way that people can’t resist and getting those leads and sales coming in. Find out more and save your place on our next workshop here.

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