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5 Simple Things to Do on Your Website to Make You Stand Out

“I got myself a literary agent this morning. She said, ‘Your website makes it really easy for me to pitch you to publishers. Everything is there.’”

Tom Morley – Musician, Team Building Titan, Speaker, Author and Ready Steady Websites® member.

Does your website make you stand out like this?

In virtually all areas of business there’s a lot of competition. Especially in publishing. You can have the best story, written in the most engaging way but if you can’t get an agent or a publisher to see you it’s unlikely many people will ever read it.

You could be the nutritional therapist with the best approach to working to help people with specific medical conditions but unless you stand out the people who need you won’t see you.

I could go on and on with examples but you get it, people won’t know how good you are at something unless you show them.

Even if you show them how amazing you are but then don’t make it easy for them to find out how to work with you or how to get in touch then you still won’t get the job or the client.

As the quote, from Tom one of our longest standing and very supportive RSW members says, everything is there on his website. It impressed a literary agent. That doesn’t surprise us. Firstly, we know the publishing industry likes our websites because Hay House recommend us and secondly and most importantly, because Tom is one of the best at adding new content to his website. He makes changes to it when he makes changes to what he offers and makes it very visually appealing with new images and videos.

These are the key things that are important to get right on your website:

  1. Make it clear how people can work with you.
  2. Make it easy for people to get in touch.
  3. Add new content regularly.
  4. Make changes to reflect changes in your business.
  5. Make your website visually appealing.

If you feel that the answer to the question, “does your website make you stand out?” is no, then go through the five points above and make some changes.

It shouldn’t really be a unique thing that “everything is there” on someone’s website. Everything being there really should be the minimum requirement for a website but in reality that’s not the case. So really, you can stand out just by getting the basics right. If you need some support with that, give us a shout or check out our free resources.

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