3 examples of a gret homepage with personality

3 Ways to Make Your Website Reflect Your Personality

People buy from people. That’s a phrase that is said a lot in the online business world but it is true and that’s why it’s important to make your website reflect your personality. Here are three ways you can do this:

1. Include recent photos of yourself on your website

How many photos and where you place them on your website will be determined by the type of business you run. If you are the face of the business and have a personal brand then having a photo of you on the home page that your website visitors sees instantly is a great idea. If your business has more of a business brand it’s still good to have photos of you and your team, if you have one, on an about page or team page so people can see the people behind the brand and still feel that they can get to know who they are buying from a bit.

However you use the photos they should be high quality professional photos which truly represent you. If you show up to networking, guest interviews and meetings in jeans and a T-shirt, don’t put on a power suit for your photos. People want to buy from the real you. You are part of your brand and your brand should be consistent. 

2. Use your tone of voice consistently on your website to reflect your personality

You may hate writing and don’t want to write the copy for your website yourself and that’s fine but you should work closely with your copywriter to ensure your tone of voice comes through on your website. Your website should read like you are talking to your website visitor so that they feel they are getting to know you and what you have to offer.

This is especially important if people are likely to meet you in person somewhere along the business journey, whether they’ve already met you through networking or at an event before coming to your website or once they become a client or customer they’ll have contact with you. It’s the same as with your photos and physical appearance, you want to create a consistent brand throughout.

3. Give people a chance to get to know you even better through your website

You could include a video on your website for people to watch or give them a chance to book in a call with you if they’re interested in your services.

Perhaps you could include a blog, vlog or podcast which showcases your personality alongside your knowledge and expertise. Even if you don’t have your own one of these you could signpost to where you have been featured on other people’s.

All of these things will help your personality shine through your website and help you attract the right people through it. The better people feel they know you, the easier it is to turn them into leads and make sales for your business, which is the ultimate goal!

For more fab website tips, check out our free resources and if you’d like l to get to know us even better, you can come and meet us in person at the official launch of The Website Handbook – find out more and get your tickets here!!

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