Posted in: Business

Typewriter printing news

4 Reasons Why You Should Have a Blog

by Debz from Get Virtual Assistance The way we use the internet is constantly changing and over recent years people have certainly become more aware of social media. Most businesses now recognise that a presence on social media is essential, and even if they all approach this differently – they do so in a way…

Camper at beach

We Are Approaching the Last Quarter of 2020 – Our Review of the Year So Far.

What a year 2020 has been so far. It’s probably been one of the most challenging years that most of us have experienced. We may have experienced challenging events at other times but 2020 has seen us face a prolonged challenge that may have affected or still be affecting us physical, emotionally, financially and for a lot of us it will have changed all or some part of how we do business.

Dream big painted on wall

3 Real Life Examples of How Having a Decent Website Can Really Improve Your Business

Having a decent website really can make a big difference to your business. We have three examples of clients or Ready Steady Websites® members who we have worked with where they noticed an immediate impact of having a decent website.

Happy written on ripped paper

How Are You Improving Your Business?

We really think that businesses should always be doing something to improve. Sometimes this might be big obvious changes that everyone is aware of. Sometimes it will be small subtle changes behind the scenes. However it is done, it should be done.

The words "Time is precious" in lights on the side of a building

Why You Should Invest in Your Business Even if Budgets are Tight

A business will only grow if you invest in it. You need to invest time. You need to invest effort and sometimes it is a good idea to invest money. There will be times when you might not need to invest money. You can put in a lot of time and effort into social media…

Pavement/Sidewalk with "Passion led us here" written on it

Do You Love Your Business?

We have been in business for nearly 10 years (see our “Our Business Journey” blog post) and the thing that has really kept us interested in what we do is that we love it. I think it’s hard to keep a digital business going without truly having a passion for it. Our business constantly has…

"You are here" written in lights and reflected onto two walls

Our Business Journey

How did we get here? Well, that’s a deep philosophical question. It is one that I won’t attempt to answer, especially as the philosophy module of my degree was my weakest by far. I will instead tell you our journey of how we got to the point of creating Ready Steady Websites®. Perhaps there will…

"This must be the place" written in lights on an artistic modernist patterned wall

How We Build Trust in Our Business

If people don’t trust you or your business, then it won’t be a success. I truly believe that. You might have a flurry of business, perhaps when it’s new and exciting or when you put an unbelievably good offer out there but unless you really deliver and build up trust with your customers or clients…

"Do something great" written in lights, with a view through a window

Being Unique in Business

We mentioned in our last blog post that it’s important for your website to be unique, just like you and your business, but how do you get that uniqueness across? And how do you find that uniqueness in the first place? USPs In business lots of people talk about their USP or Unique Selling Point.…