Ready Steady Websites® Courses

We're all about helping you to create awesome websites and membership sites, but we also have some courses that will help!

This mini course will help you identify who you want to engage with your website, what the purpose of your website is and what action you want your website visitors to take on your website. We will give you some key actions to include in planning your new site or to change on your current site to increase those all important leads.


We have created this mini course to help you with your landing pages and sales pages to get them converting even better. We will give you guidance on landing page designs that work, we will help you get your copy right and we will give you some tips for testing the tech process to ensure you aren't left red faced and losing leads.


The process of working out your website structure and creating all of the content can seem overwhelming, it's hard to know where to start. It is often why people take so long to create their business website, even though they know it's incredibly important to the success of their business. That is why we created this course.
